An award winning programme giving students at GKT School of Medical Education clinical experience in psychiatry throughout their training. It is a voluntary, extracurricular scheme which students sign up to at the beginning of their first year, it is highly oversubscribed and entry is on a first come first serve basis.
Each student on the scheme is paired with a psychiatry core trainee, CT1. Subsequently the student is guaranteed to shadow the same trainee on-call and one regular day shift during each of their jobs. This continues through all the trainees’ rotations until the student completes medical school. The programme provides students a unique understanding of trainees’ roles and progression towards consultant level .The student will have access to a wide range of psychiatry sub-specialities and both trainee and student are invited to PEEP lectures from leading experts in psychiatry and from patients describing their unique experiences
This is a very rewarding scheme for the trainees and nearly all of the trainees at SLAM are part of PEEP. There is also the opportunity for trainees to join the PEEP committee which has a numerous roles including research opportunities.
PEEP are proud to offer students a chance to gain a true understanding and appreciation of psychiatry throughout their medical studies and hope to reduce stigma towards mental illness, regardless of which specialty they end up choosing.